Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi

I think that the U.S. Marines should be allowed to intervene when this foul play is going on, especially on U.S. Military Bases. I still can't comprehend why Afghan Police Officials are even allowed to bring the young boys on base, I thought it would be for military personal only. I don't see how a human being could allow themselves to be so sick and twisted, it makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it. I feel horrible for those who have to endure this abuse, small defenseless kids that do not know any better and they have been brainwashed into thinking that it is normal and that the U.S. Military troops actually condoned these activities; which they obviously don't. I'm sure that these Afghan PO's do it because it happened to them when they themselves were younger, but it's a new age in time now and I think if they want our help in driving out the Taliban they should respect our policies, especially on our bases. People who do these awful things should not be put in charge of villages and other communities because they are more feared than the Taliban by these civilians. If all else fails and we still have to help train the Afghan PO's, there should be definite repercussions for these actions and it should not be taken lightly for the sake of those innocent children.