Thursday, February 18, 2016

As a human being, no matter what your orders are, I cannot believe that something like this was allowed to happen. I don't see how you can put innocent people through these terrible acts and still be able to live with yourself. Poisoning people with various diseases and trying to recreate a Black Plague is something straight out of a horror movie.

Why these people were not charged is far past my knowledge. I don't see why it is right to be able to allow these people to continue their lives just for some information on biological warfare, information that is so horrendous that it shouldn't be used in any type of war. That type of information should have been destroyed along with the camp and all of its guards and "scientist".  For something like this to happen in the 20th century is unimaginable and for a super power like America to let this happen is very discouraging, but in the eyes of our government it's all about gaining the upper hand.

I'm not the one to complain about war and fighting, but this is something else. This isn't war, this was extermination, this was sickening acts of human violence that I can only see punishable by an eternity in Hell because that is what those prisoners had to go through. Even if the people responsible were convicted, they didn't deserve death, they deserved to be treated like those prisoners for the rest of their lives. I wonder if theses acts of violence committed ever ate away at these scientist after they were free?

I think the apology to China was the least that these that the Japanese government should've done, and as an American, I believe that the Japanese should've been convicted. Dropping the bombs on them was a favor compared to what they put people through. I don't blame China for being angry at Japan and America because we both let this happen without punishment for something that took dignity away from a whole race of people. Not to mention all of the European and the U.S. troops that were tortured and killed there also.