Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I believe that America lost its innocence long before the JFK assassination. No countries have complete innocence, no matter how peaceful they may seem. Internal conflicts in a country can tear it apart and effect the whole world depending on how powerful the country may be. In this instance, America is a very powerful country and JFK was a very powerful leader, and many people had the hopes that he would create world peace; starting by pulling the troops out of Vietnam.
I think that this assassination really shook the American people. People lost faith in the American government and in the country. Why would you assassinate your own leader? Someone who wanted to end wars and push America into a better economy. I don't understand it, and neither did anyone else. People were scared for what was to come of the American future, and with good reason. What happens in America can impact the whole world. Maybe if JFK wasn't assassinated there wouldn't have been a long, drawn out Vietnam war and many lives could have been saved. Maybe our economy would be stronger, and healthier. Then again maybe I'm wrong, but to tell you the truth, I wish we could have found out.

I think that the assassination of JFK and 9/11 were two very different things. They both happened in different eras and on different circumstances. Though they did have some very serious similarities. For one, security for both situations did not do its job. They both created violence in the American public and allowed the US to start or maintain a war. Both instances have many conspiracy theorists. But in my opinion; no, I don't think the government did 9/11. I think taking that many lives in that type of way is too risky for any type of country to pull off. Plus, 9/11 didn't have the same amount of evidence and witnesses that the JFK assassination did. I also don't think that Americans blamed themselves for this either. Everyone wants to find something to blame, and in this instance, it was the Taliban. Which I don't think that Americans were the ones to blame for this anyway. But these two tragedies were no doubt very hard on the American public and they were handled by the American people in similar ways.

I think the government was behind the killing of JFK. At first, I thought that there was no way our own government would do that, but after watching some documentaries, it became a very real possibility to me. I've always been taught and always wanted to believe that the government wanted the best for this country, but as I grow older and get more into politics, I've seen what the government wants - and that's power. They want power over the people, they want power over the country, and they want power over the world, and the will obtain that at any cost, right or wrong. I think that the American government has to cheat and lie to get where, and what it wants. And it's been working. But how much longer can this happen, how much longer can the American people stand the government cheating, hiding, and keeping secrets from us? Us! The people who fund the whole operation, and are told that we are the government. I don't feel like I' m the government to be honest. If I were the government, if you were to government, if we all were really the government we wouldn't have to wait to see the JFK assassination files until 2029 when most of the people who witnessed it will be gone. If we were the government we wouldn't have to choose from a presidential pool of idiots. If we were the government, there would be a lot of change that isn't happening for us right now. But going along with all of that, the government likes violence. It creates money and gets our blood going, and it presents perfect opportunities to cover something up. War makes our government millions and puts tons of people to work, which is good for all of us.
I don't think that its any coincidence that RFK and MLK were killed in the following years. They spoke out powerfully against the government and that had to end in the eye of our government. I think that they were both assassinated by the heads of the country because of their power. This just goes to show that freedom of speech isn't really free and that even though the Declaration declares that if the people are not happy with their government, they can get a new one, it really does come down to one thing, and that's whatever the government wants. That is something that we will just have to live with for now, and probably forever. I don't think that just one man or women can overthrow the government, it needs to be a whole nation of people.

After saying all of this I do want it to be noted that I love my country and feel very fortunate that this is where I live. There are many places where people do not have a voice at all, and I will still fulfill my rights as a citizen of the US.