Thursday, August 25, 2016

(Used) Tampon
My D1 Scholarship
Injured Hamstring
Sexy, Yummy, Lit

To be completely honest I don't really know what psychology is and that is definitely something that I want (need) to find out. Also, I would like to find out what types of careers go with this field of study and why it's needed. I want to know why people think that this is an important subject to teach to high school kids and what can we gain from becoming more knowledgeable about this subject. I think that this will be a very interesting course and I'm excited to get into the meat of it. When I first heard that we were taking this class I was hoping that it would teach me mind games that I could use on my brother and the rest of my family. Even though the more I hear about what we'll be learning makes me feel like I won't be studying those types of things. I think that we'll be learning about emotions and brain reactions, which I find very interesting. Our teacher is very interested in this field and is excited to teach us this subject which usually makes everything better, easier to learn, and a lot more interesting. The teachers enthusiasm usually rubs off on the students that he/she is teaching. That's kind of interesting to think about if you ask me, how attitude can rub off on others around you. Maybe that will be in one of our psychology lessons.

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