Monday, October 24, 2016

Who Am I?

Hard question to answer because I'm still trying to figure that out. It depends on who you ask I guess. To some I'm an athlete and a good kid. To others I'm a partier and a delinquent. If you were to ask me I'm just Lincoln. I'm a decent student that could probably try a little bit harder in and out of class on my school work. I'm a football player who loves the game, but could probably even dedicate more of my life to the game that has given me so much. I'm someone who likes to have and make news friends and meet new people. Sometimes I lack in confidence in myself and other times I'm way too confident. Even though some people might not agree, I would like to think that I'm a good person that will always have the backs of my family, friends, and teammates. I wish this question was asked later in life where I would have more of a grip and knew myself better.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Donald Trump Sociopath

The definition of a sociopath, according to Google, is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience”. That also sounds like the definition of Donald Trump. He is definitely someone who manifests in himself and displays antisocial attitudes and behavior. The very last part of that definition is spot on, in my opinion. That very last part states that a sociopath has “a lack of conscience”. If you don’t think lack of conscience when you think Donald Trump then you might need to educate yourself on his actions and outburst. One example may be when he said, “I would be attracted to my daughter, she is very pretty woman.” Or maybe when he said any of his borderline, racial outbursts. Now, I don’t like any of the candidates this year and we are all basically choosing between Donald Trump, a sociopath, or Hillary Clinton, a pathological liar that changes her mind and opinion every other debate. She tries to side with people by being fake and misleading, and that’s where I have to give it to Trump, he is straight up and doesn’t care what people may think about him. That is not necessarily a good thing; his sociopathic behavior is going to get him and us into trouble. His lack of conscience and filter won’t fly with people like Putin, who doesn’t like Trump in the first place. Even though I have heard that some countries would get along better with Trump than they would with Hillary just because she can’t be trusted. I think that they should both be canned from the presidential election and we should be able to receive two new candidates. I’m pretty sure that the U.S. Constitution states that we have the right to new officials if the current ones are not viewed favorable in the eyes of the public.