Monday, February 13, 2017

Savage Self

I think that people are naturally born good natured and without hate. But I think that people, if they can not control it, will turn to savages. This is just a natural part of being human. We want to be top of the food chain and we want all the power we can get. This is what turns us savage. Nothing ever seems to be good enough, and the ones who settle for "good enough" usually do not accomplish what people who strive for better will. Our savage side is a side of strength and the will to compete and survive. Civilized us would never stand a chance against this side of people. Even though the world seems a lot more civilized than it was 1,000 years ago, we are more savage in different ways. War and conquest, money raking, talking behind each others back, and etc. People will do anything to get to the top, the only difference today is that we conceal it better and have different methods of doing it besides brutally killing each other.

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