Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I believe that the rules of engagement are ridiculous. How do you expect these young men and women who fight for our freedom to remember all these ever changing rules? I think that is a pretty crappy way of showing appreciation for those who are willing to give their lives for a country and government that doesn't treat them fairly. I believe that in the heat of battle you shouldn't have to worry about these rules and you should be able to protect your country, along with yourself and teammates, anyway necessary. US soldiers should not be tried for their actions when protecting you. What kind of country are we if we treat our soldiers like that? We brought in a terrorist to testify against one of our soldiers for God's sake. Things like that make me wonder if this country may be too soft at times and I think that we need someone who will strengthen us.
As for the quote, I believe that citizenship is a duty. It is our duty to be good people and help each other as much as possible. If your are foreign and want to become a citizen of the US you should prove your worth. By that I mean past the tests, get a job, buy a house, contribute to the economy, do volunteer work for you community, and support the US in any way possible. As for people born citizens, we should all do our part in caring for this great country and for the veterans that are willing to give their lives to protect it. Voting is one of those duties that need to be done. It's simple and even if you don't think that your vote count, it does. You are given this powerful right to vote so why not do it? There a ton of people that don't have that option. Lastly, stop complaining over the little things in this country and getting offended over everything, this is life and if you don't think America is fair get out of here.

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