Wednesday, December 2, 2015

This article is about the FDA approving drugs that are supposed to extend the lives of cancer patients. The thing is, these drugs have not been proven to do that. A 69 year old cancer patient conceded to trying the drugs for an experiment in hopes that the drugs would extend his life. This was not the case. Less than 4 months after starting on the drug he experience abdominal pains and was admitted into the hospital, he died later that day from internal gastrointestinal bleeding.

The drug that was made to lengthen this man's life might have hastened it. So this leaves the question, how does the FDA, an agency that is supposed to look out for our well-being, approve a drug that isn't proven to help us, and may actually hasten the lives of cancer patients? The muckraker in charge of this article John Fauber, read more about it at:

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  1. That is just giving someone false hope and think of how horrible that person felt knowing the drug didn't work and that it was never going to work.

  2. Dude that's a great question, that's not even right!

  3. I like your work, very upper-level thinking skills.

  4. Great article. Its kind of scary to know that drugs are being made now days that can do that to you. I think the FDA should be investigated.

  5. It is scary the stuff that the drugs we have con do. The FDA should have some sort of investigation on it.
