Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sociological Mindfulness

I agree with this video that sociological mindfulness is very important in every aspect of life. No, I didn't agree with the argument that he made but that's just because I view myself as very patriotic and support many of America's decisions and it's hard for me to see the other side of things.

I always try to see both ways of an argument or when it comes to peoples attitudes. Sometimes it's hard to think that way but I believe that it's important to get into that habit. Say someone is having a bad day and they say something that you may not like, your first instinct is to comeback at them with something meaner and more hurtful. Then again, the right thing to do is to take a minute and calm yourself, then think about what they are feeling. Maybe they had a bad morning, or one of their close family members just died. This doesn't give them a right to say something mean to you, but we all have been there.

There are a few times that I remember where I have used sociological mindfulness to handle situations like these. One example is in football practice. When the freshmen don't know what to do during practice, usually the upper classmen will get mad and get after them. Then, you have to remember that you were there once in their shoes, so you understand that you have to be more patient and a good leader is one who helps people learn, not belittle them by getting mad and yelling.

Another question we were asked is, "Where do I fit into the sociological picture of society". This is a tough question to ask 18 year old kids that are not allowed to used the school bathrooms by themselves, but I will answer it to the best of my ability. I think that with determination and hard work, you can make yourself whatever you want to be in society. I want to be a pilot or a broadcaster shipping or delivering packages or news. If you were talking about social classes I would hopefully be in the middle to middle-upper class. I want to be helpful or entertaining to the rest of the society.

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