Monday, November 14, 2016

President Trump

This is the first election that I've ever been involved in, so naturally I was very into it. This election is hard to compare to any other election because there has been none like it. I feel fortunate because I was part of something so historical and unfortunate because I had to vote between these two candidates. Basically, I was voting for a very orange business man that is good with money, but super radical, or a pathological lying criminal that goes against most of my views. I also learned that Clinton would not handle issues the way that I think that they should be and Trump might over do it on handling the issues, so I guess I'd rather have it overdone than handled wrong. My opinion has kind of changed about Trump though. He doesn't seem as radical as he was talking during the election and actually is loosing up his views, which in a way is good. For example, he wants to keep some parts of Obama Care, which is good and I agree with some parts of it, but I think that it's good that he'll amend it. These elections were run on hate of the other party, a lot of times each party didn't even explain why they would be good for office and instead told people why the other party would be bad for it. 38% of people who voted for Trump said that the reason they voted for him is because they disliked Clinton. As a Republican/Independent I think I voted for Trump because I was tired of all the weak and sensitive people. I was tired of being scrutinized for my views because I like the good old days where men were men and women were women, not in the sense where men had to work and women had to stay home and do the dishes, but more in a sense of where both genders were empowered and we didn't have to deal with "63 Genders". It's kind of funny how hypocritical some Clinton supporters are. Saying we need peace and to accept everyone, but even though Trump got elected there has been multiple violent riots and millions of people complaining on social media about how "he's not my president'. Nothing is going to happen to people of different races in America and people don't understand that. This is Donald Trump and this is 21st Century America, not Hitler and Nazi Germany. Everyone needs to come together if this is going to work. It's just like football. Sometimes people may not like the coach or want the old coach back, but sometimes players don't get what the want, and in all honesty it's not the coach that makes the team; it's the teammates that make it. So, why don't we look at each other as teammates and not opposition. My predictions for Trump are:

1. He's not going to turn out to be as hardcore and radical as everyone thought
2. Our relations with Russia will become stronger
3. Our relations with China will be a little rocky for awhile, but will turn out alright; just like the rest of our agreements and treaties. Especially NAFTA
4. He won't build a wall
5. He won't deport immigrants
6. He will stop letting refugees in
7. He will lower taxes, hopefully making it a flat tax
8. America will be fine and isn't going to crap like everyone thinks
9. The people will be fine and the economy will get better
10. America won't be so soft anymore

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