Thursday, September 29, 2016

The 28th Amendment

If I were to be able to ratify a new amendment I would have it so that the drinking age would be lowered to 18. I feel as if you can be called in a draft, tried as an adult, vote for the presidential election, work and live on your own, you should be able to drink a beer. Some people may say that 18 is too immature to be able to drink, but I know plenty of immature people who are 21 and up that abuse alcohol much more than a teenager would. The 28th Amendment would be read as:

Any person that resides in the United States of America or in the District of Columbia shall be able to consume alcohol on the date that marks his or hers turning 18 years of age.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Two Amendments

The 23rd Amendment

  • Extends the right to vote in the presidential election to citizens who live in the District of Columbia, treating them as if they were a state.
  • The purpose of this Amendment is to give every person that resides in the country the right to vote, not based on race or gender, but mostly on location
  • The amendment proposed by the 86th Congress on June 16, 1960 and ratified by the states on March 29, 1961. Before the amendment was ratified the people residing in the District of Columbia were not able to vote
  • Today it means that people living in the District of Columbia can vote
  • There are none

The 25th Amendment

  • Deals with succession of Presidency and establishes procedure both for filling an open spot in the office of the Vice President, as well as dealing with Presidential disabilities
  • This amendment was made to find a solution to the loss of a president or vice president and who will step up and fill the vacant space
  • This means they have another man or women next in line to succeed the president or vice president in case something happens to them
  • There are none

Friday, September 23, 2016


Image result for enticing ads

Unconditioned Stimulus - Pretty actress or the look of importance from all the hands helping her
Conditioned Stimulus - Milk
Unconditioned Response - Happiness or excitement to the pretty woman and the look of importance
Conditioned Response - Happiness or excitement to the milk

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Time I Taught Something

Well when I first came to Langford in 8th grade the kids here had some really foul language and words that I didn't even know the meaning to. So I figured that if these guys weren't going to learn to talk nice from their parents or teachers, I would have to teach them. So that's what I did, I taught them that they can't always talk like that because that won't get you far in life. Whether it's in your career, relationships, or everyday life, you can't always talk using cuss words and nasty phrases.

Friday, September 16, 2016

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. How the sense of touch is important to those with ASD

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. Many adults and children with ASD

3- Was there a control group?

            c. The scientists used their own brains and senses to compare the differences

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Randomly from different hospitals and institutions across the country

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Had them go through a series of physical and mental tests

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They weren’t able to recognize what certain movements did throughout their body

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes, but they were able to gather knew and uncertain information from these experiments



1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. Why some children may struggle in math

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. Several

3- Was there a control group?

            c. Yes, with kids who don’t struggle with math

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. They were chosen from special schooling courses in Maryland

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Had them take tests that featured simple addition and subtraction

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. Most struggled do to an unconscious block in their brains

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. No, most students that struggled with math excelled in other subjects




1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. How child’s fantasy play can aid in creative thinking later on in life

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. 70 children ages 4-8

3- Was there a control group?

            c. No

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Randomly

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Interviewed them and put them through creativity tests

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They were excited to explain what pretend world that they played in

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes, the more fantasy play they did, the more points they earned on the creativity tests



1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. About 1 in 9 ER visits in Florida are from intentional violence

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. 53,908 people

3- Was there a control group?

            c. No

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Anybody who got stabbed, shot, or assaulted

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Studied them and their reasons for being in the ER

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They either lived or died

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes