Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Two Amendments

The 23rd Amendment

  • Extends the right to vote in the presidential election to citizens who live in the District of Columbia, treating them as if they were a state.
  • The purpose of this Amendment is to give every person that resides in the country the right to vote, not based on race or gender, but mostly on location
  • The amendment proposed by the 86th Congress on June 16, 1960 and ratified by the states on March 29, 1961. Before the amendment was ratified the people residing in the District of Columbia were not able to vote
  • Today it means that people living in the District of Columbia can vote
  • There are none

The 25th Amendment

  • Deals with succession of Presidency and establishes procedure both for filling an open spot in the office of the Vice President, as well as dealing with Presidential disabilities
  • This amendment was made to find a solution to the loss of a president or vice president and who will step up and fill the vacant space
  • This means they have another man or women next in line to succeed the president or vice president in case something happens to them
  • There are none

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