Thursday, September 29, 2016

The 28th Amendment

If I were to be able to ratify a new amendment I would have it so that the drinking age would be lowered to 18. I feel as if you can be called in a draft, tried as an adult, vote for the presidential election, work and live on your own, you should be able to drink a beer. Some people may say that 18 is too immature to be able to drink, but I know plenty of immature people who are 21 and up that abuse alcohol much more than a teenager would. The 28th Amendment would be read as:

Any person that resides in the United States of America or in the District of Columbia shall be able to consume alcohol on the date that marks his or hers turning 18 years of age.


  1. Isn't this the state's decision? Anyways, 18 will just make sure that everyone can legally drink at any party early on. What an amendment!!

  2. I agree with your amendment proposal. If you are mature enough to vote, you are mature enough to drink. Nice job on your amendment.

  3. This is a nice amendment. Wouldn't it have worked to just add this the 21st that is already about alcohol? I agree though, if we are adults and can do everything else why not drink alcohol?

  4. I totally agree with this! If you are considered a adult than you should be old enough to drink. Very well done.

  5. This is agreeable. Considering you can vote and go to war when you are 18, you should be able to drink. Besides we are like the only country with a drinking age of 21.

  6. I agree 100 percent with this amendment. If we are treated like adults we should be able to do the stuff adults do. Most other countries you can drink when you're 18.

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  9. I agree 200% with this amendment. Other countries have laws like this, and they don't seem to have any problems with it. If we are old enough to live on our own, buy cigarettes, and even fight in a war, then we should be able to drink alcohol. Bottoms up.

  10. Pete: "Lincoln's amendment would be good because it would help a lot of people."

  11. I agree 300 percent. Less minors would be given out. You are an adult now so you should be able to do adult stuff

  12. I agree infinity percent. Lincoln is the coolest person there is. <3

  13. I agree infinity (x2) percent. Lincoln for president. Love you

  14. I agree more than chance or james ever have or ever will

  15. I agree infinity infinty (x2) percent more than Z. Youre the best. Heart you

  16. I agree more than chance or james ever have or ever will

  17. Zac and Chance don't actually mean it. I do mean it and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

  18. I agree on this amendment more than anyone ever in the past, present, or the future (especially more than James and Zac). Its not possible to support your amendment more than I do. James and Zac are definitely lying. I mean this from the very most bottom part of the heart. <3

  19. You mean the world to me Linc <3 I will support you in everything you do!

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