Monday, November 14, 2016

President Trump

This is the first election that I've ever been involved in, so naturally I was very into it. This election is hard to compare to any other election because there has been none like it. I feel fortunate because I was part of something so historical and unfortunate because I had to vote between these two candidates. Basically, I was voting for a very orange business man that is good with money, but super radical, or a pathological lying criminal that goes against most of my views. I also learned that Clinton would not handle issues the way that I think that they should be and Trump might over do it on handling the issues, so I guess I'd rather have it overdone than handled wrong. My opinion has kind of changed about Trump though. He doesn't seem as radical as he was talking during the election and actually is loosing up his views, which in a way is good. For example, he wants to keep some parts of Obama Care, which is good and I agree with some parts of it, but I think that it's good that he'll amend it. These elections were run on hate of the other party, a lot of times each party didn't even explain why they would be good for office and instead told people why the other party would be bad for it. 38% of people who voted for Trump said that the reason they voted for him is because they disliked Clinton. As a Republican/Independent I think I voted for Trump because I was tired of all the weak and sensitive people. I was tired of being scrutinized for my views because I like the good old days where men were men and women were women, not in the sense where men had to work and women had to stay home and do the dishes, but more in a sense of where both genders were empowered and we didn't have to deal with "63 Genders". It's kind of funny how hypocritical some Clinton supporters are. Saying we need peace and to accept everyone, but even though Trump got elected there has been multiple violent riots and millions of people complaining on social media about how "he's not my president'. Nothing is going to happen to people of different races in America and people don't understand that. This is Donald Trump and this is 21st Century America, not Hitler and Nazi Germany. Everyone needs to come together if this is going to work. It's just like football. Sometimes people may not like the coach or want the old coach back, but sometimes players don't get what the want, and in all honesty it's not the coach that makes the team; it's the teammates that make it. So, why don't we look at each other as teammates and not opposition. My predictions for Trump are:

1. He's not going to turn out to be as hardcore and radical as everyone thought
2. Our relations with Russia will become stronger
3. Our relations with China will be a little rocky for awhile, but will turn out alright; just like the rest of our agreements and treaties. Especially NAFTA
4. He won't build a wall
5. He won't deport immigrants
6. He will stop letting refugees in
7. He will lower taxes, hopefully making it a flat tax
8. America will be fine and isn't going to crap like everyone thinks
9. The people will be fine and the economy will get better
10. America won't be so soft anymore

Monday, October 24, 2016

Who Am I?

Hard question to answer because I'm still trying to figure that out. It depends on who you ask I guess. To some I'm an athlete and a good kid. To others I'm a partier and a delinquent. If you were to ask me I'm just Lincoln. I'm a decent student that could probably try a little bit harder in and out of class on my school work. I'm a football player who loves the game, but could probably even dedicate more of my life to the game that has given me so much. I'm someone who likes to have and make news friends and meet new people. Sometimes I lack in confidence in myself and other times I'm way too confident. Even though some people might not agree, I would like to think that I'm a good person that will always have the backs of my family, friends, and teammates. I wish this question was asked later in life where I would have more of a grip and knew myself better.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Donald Trump Sociopath

The definition of a sociopath, according to Google, is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience”. That also sounds like the definition of Donald Trump. He is definitely someone who manifests in himself and displays antisocial attitudes and behavior. The very last part of that definition is spot on, in my opinion. That very last part states that a sociopath has “a lack of conscience”. If you don’t think lack of conscience when you think Donald Trump then you might need to educate yourself on his actions and outburst. One example may be when he said, “I would be attracted to my daughter, she is very pretty woman.” Or maybe when he said any of his borderline, racial outbursts. Now, I don’t like any of the candidates this year and we are all basically choosing between Donald Trump, a sociopath, or Hillary Clinton, a pathological liar that changes her mind and opinion every other debate. She tries to side with people by being fake and misleading, and that’s where I have to give it to Trump, he is straight up and doesn’t care what people may think about him. That is not necessarily a good thing; his sociopathic behavior is going to get him and us into trouble. His lack of conscience and filter won’t fly with people like Putin, who doesn’t like Trump in the first place. Even though I have heard that some countries would get along better with Trump than they would with Hillary just because she can’t be trusted. I think that they should both be canned from the presidential election and we should be able to receive two new candidates. I’m pretty sure that the U.S. Constitution states that we have the right to new officials if the current ones are not viewed favorable in the eyes of the public.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The 28th Amendment

If I were to be able to ratify a new amendment I would have it so that the drinking age would be lowered to 18. I feel as if you can be called in a draft, tried as an adult, vote for the presidential election, work and live on your own, you should be able to drink a beer. Some people may say that 18 is too immature to be able to drink, but I know plenty of immature people who are 21 and up that abuse alcohol much more than a teenager would. The 28th Amendment would be read as:

Any person that resides in the United States of America or in the District of Columbia shall be able to consume alcohol on the date that marks his or hers turning 18 years of age.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Two Amendments

The 23rd Amendment

  • Extends the right to vote in the presidential election to citizens who live in the District of Columbia, treating them as if they were a state.
  • The purpose of this Amendment is to give every person that resides in the country the right to vote, not based on race or gender, but mostly on location
  • The amendment proposed by the 86th Congress on June 16, 1960 and ratified by the states on March 29, 1961. Before the amendment was ratified the people residing in the District of Columbia were not able to vote
  • Today it means that people living in the District of Columbia can vote
  • There are none

The 25th Amendment

  • Deals with succession of Presidency and establishes procedure both for filling an open spot in the office of the Vice President, as well as dealing with Presidential disabilities
  • This amendment was made to find a solution to the loss of a president or vice president and who will step up and fill the vacant space
  • This means they have another man or women next in line to succeed the president or vice president in case something happens to them
  • There are none

Friday, September 23, 2016


Image result for enticing ads

Unconditioned Stimulus - Pretty actress or the look of importance from all the hands helping her
Conditioned Stimulus - Milk
Unconditioned Response - Happiness or excitement to the pretty woman and the look of importance
Conditioned Response - Happiness or excitement to the milk

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Time I Taught Something

Well when I first came to Langford in 8th grade the kids here had some really foul language and words that I didn't even know the meaning to. So I figured that if these guys weren't going to learn to talk nice from their parents or teachers, I would have to teach them. So that's what I did, I taught them that they can't always talk like that because that won't get you far in life. Whether it's in your career, relationships, or everyday life, you can't always talk using cuss words and nasty phrases.

Friday, September 16, 2016

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. How the sense of touch is important to those with ASD

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. Many adults and children with ASD

3- Was there a control group?

            c. The scientists used their own brains and senses to compare the differences

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Randomly from different hospitals and institutions across the country

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Had them go through a series of physical and mental tests

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They weren’t able to recognize what certain movements did throughout their body

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes, but they were able to gather knew and uncertain information from these experiments



1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. Why some children may struggle in math

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. Several

3- Was there a control group?

            c. Yes, with kids who don’t struggle with math

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. They were chosen from special schooling courses in Maryland

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Had them take tests that featured simple addition and subtraction

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. Most struggled do to an unconscious block in their brains

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. No, most students that struggled with math excelled in other subjects




1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. How child’s fantasy play can aid in creative thinking later on in life

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. 70 children ages 4-8

3- Was there a control group?

            c. No

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Randomly

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Interviewed them and put them through creativity tests

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They were excited to explain what pretend world that they played in

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes, the more fantasy play they did, the more points they earned on the creativity tests



1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

            a. About 1 in 9 ER visits in Florida are from intentional violence

2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

            b. 53,908 people

3- Was there a control group?

            c. No

4- How were the subjects chosen?

            d. Anybody who got stabbed, shot, or assaulted

5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

            e. Studied them and their reasons for being in the ER

6- How did the subjects react?

            f. They either lived or died

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

            g. Yes

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

CK National Anthem

First off, I would like to start by saying I do recognize Kaepernich's right to sit during the National Anthem. Do I think it's right? No. Does it piss me off as an American? Yes. Kaepernich plays for the National Football League, an American founded corporation. Every year he is praised by white fans, plays under a white coach, and gets a check, that is worth millions, signed by a white owner. The 49ers following is predominately white, they pay his checks by going to the games, wearing his apparel, and buying from his endorsed companies. I'll be the first to admit that America isn't perfect by any means, but if he thinks that it is so oppressing maybe he should use his multi-million dollar check, get himself a plane ticket, and fly on over to the Middle East to see and witness real oppression. Also, a lot of blame in black or Hispanic communities is put on white people, even though in all reality, people should take responsibility for their own actions in their own communities. Both of his parents are white, after his black parents left him. Now, I'm not racist by any means, I don't care what color you are, you could be white, black, brown, or green, I think that everyone should be treated equally, but I can tell you one thing, sitting down during the National Anthem isn't going to benefit anyone. All types of races serve in the US military, giving him the right to sit down, so now not only are you "standing up to white oppression" but he is also disrespecting all races that serve. Maybe he should get off his butt and actually go out and do something to help the "oppression" but for now, he better get comfortable on that bench because he'll be sitting on it all season long.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

(Used) Tampon
My D1 Scholarship
Injured Hamstring
Sexy, Yummy, Lit

To be completely honest I don't really know what psychology is and that is definitely something that I want (need) to find out. Also, I would like to find out what types of careers go with this field of study and why it's needed. I want to know why people think that this is an important subject to teach to high school kids and what can we gain from becoming more knowledgeable about this subject. I think that this will be a very interesting course and I'm excited to get into the meat of it. When I first heard that we were taking this class I was hoping that it would teach me mind games that I could use on my brother and the rest of my family. Even though the more I hear about what we'll be learning makes me feel like I won't be studying those types of things. I think that we'll be learning about emotions and brain reactions, which I find very interesting. Our teacher is very interested in this field and is excited to teach us this subject which usually makes everything better, easier to learn, and a lot more interesting. The teachers enthusiasm usually rubs off on the students that he/she is teaching. That's kind of interesting to think about if you ask me, how attitude can rub off on others around you. Maybe that will be in one of our psychology lessons.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Platoon is one of my all-time favorite movies because it depicts the Vietnam War and the effects it had on the soldiers. I think that quote is saying that all the internal conflicts within our military and our country is what really lost that war for us. It's hard enough to fight two countries in general, but it's even harder when one of those countries is your own. I believe that a country should support government decision because in all reality, there's no changing it, and if you don't support it, stay quiet about it.

Also, I liked how the movie gave us and in-depth look at the internal conflicts that the soldiers themselves had. Once you go through something like that, there's no forgetting it, there's no escaping it. That is why so many soldiers turned to the bottle when they got home. It was cheaper and less time consuming than counseling, and you usually had other guys that were in the military around you.

I think that was Charlie Sheen meant by the "possession of the soul" was that they were in the fight of Charlie's lively hood and everything that he once believe in. They wanted to change him and make him a soldier, they both just had different views on what a soldier was and how they should act.

It's no lie that war can make people crazy. Two people in this movie were killed by non-accidental friendly fire due to the stresses that were put on their mind and body. They murdered and raped a whole village because that was their way of relieving their stress and anxiety. Is that okay? No, but they didn't think that they had anywhere else to turn and probably didn't think that what they were doing was wrong. Some soldiers drank, some smoked pot, but they would do anything just to feel better, like they were normal again. Some even faked injuries just to catch a break from the craziness that surrounded them.

I think that Charlie feels like he developed from both Elias and Barnes. He picked up two different views on war from both of them. Which one was right? There is no telling. Maybe they were both right in different ways, maybe they were both wrong. Either way, they both affected their platoon with both of their views and tactics. Barnes was tough and hard on the soldiers, Elias was more mellow and had compassion for his soldiers because he knew what they were dealing with. Whether that movie was accurate or not, it was very good and I've learned quite about from it. I think the way it was written was ingenious and I would like to see what an actual Vietnam vet has to say about it and the way that it was filmed. I wonder if they find those movies accurate and happy that they are around, or if they find them offensive and oppressing. I'm sure some writers got most of their ideas from actual vets, at least I hope they did anyway. I think our Vietnam vets at least deserve that.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I believe that America lost its innocence long before the JFK assassination. No countries have complete innocence, no matter how peaceful they may seem. Internal conflicts in a country can tear it apart and effect the whole world depending on how powerful the country may be. In this instance, America is a very powerful country and JFK was a very powerful leader, and many people had the hopes that he would create world peace; starting by pulling the troops out of Vietnam.
I think that this assassination really shook the American people. People lost faith in the American government and in the country. Why would you assassinate your own leader? Someone who wanted to end wars and push America into a better economy. I don't understand it, and neither did anyone else. People were scared for what was to come of the American future, and with good reason. What happens in America can impact the whole world. Maybe if JFK wasn't assassinated there wouldn't have been a long, drawn out Vietnam war and many lives could have been saved. Maybe our economy would be stronger, and healthier. Then again maybe I'm wrong, but to tell you the truth, I wish we could have found out.

I think that the assassination of JFK and 9/11 were two very different things. They both happened in different eras and on different circumstances. Though they did have some very serious similarities. For one, security for both situations did not do its job. They both created violence in the American public and allowed the US to start or maintain a war. Both instances have many conspiracy theorists. But in my opinion; no, I don't think the government did 9/11. I think taking that many lives in that type of way is too risky for any type of country to pull off. Plus, 9/11 didn't have the same amount of evidence and witnesses that the JFK assassination did. I also don't think that Americans blamed themselves for this either. Everyone wants to find something to blame, and in this instance, it was the Taliban. Which I don't think that Americans were the ones to blame for this anyway. But these two tragedies were no doubt very hard on the American public and they were handled by the American people in similar ways.

I think the government was behind the killing of JFK. At first, I thought that there was no way our own government would do that, but after watching some documentaries, it became a very real possibility to me. I've always been taught and always wanted to believe that the government wanted the best for this country, but as I grow older and get more into politics, I've seen what the government wants - and that's power. They want power over the people, they want power over the country, and they want power over the world, and the will obtain that at any cost, right or wrong. I think that the American government has to cheat and lie to get where, and what it wants. And it's been working. But how much longer can this happen, how much longer can the American people stand the government cheating, hiding, and keeping secrets from us? Us! The people who fund the whole operation, and are told that we are the government. I don't feel like I' m the government to be honest. If I were the government, if you were to government, if we all were really the government we wouldn't have to wait to see the JFK assassination files until 2029 when most of the people who witnessed it will be gone. If we were the government we wouldn't have to choose from a presidential pool of idiots. If we were the government, there would be a lot of change that isn't happening for us right now. But going along with all of that, the government likes violence. It creates money and gets our blood going, and it presents perfect opportunities to cover something up. War makes our government millions and puts tons of people to work, which is good for all of us.
I don't think that its any coincidence that RFK and MLK were killed in the following years. They spoke out powerfully against the government and that had to end in the eye of our government. I think that they were both assassinated by the heads of the country because of their power. This just goes to show that freedom of speech isn't really free and that even though the Declaration declares that if the people are not happy with their government, they can get a new one, it really does come down to one thing, and that's whatever the government wants. That is something that we will just have to live with for now, and probably forever. I don't think that just one man or women can overthrow the government, it needs to be a whole nation of people.

After saying all of this I do want it to be noted that I love my country and feel very fortunate that this is where I live. There are many places where people do not have a voice at all, and I will still fulfill my rights as a citizen of the US.

Monday, March 21, 2016

There are many similarities concerning the Nixon and Trump rallies. Both believed that these violent outbreaks would help their vote tallies and it did in the long run. The Democrats tried taking advantage of these outbreaks by taking the side of the people and minorities that were offended by the Republican Party. Trump and Nixon both took the side of the police and used them to their advantage. Minorities despised both Trump and Nixon, but they are both very respected and powerful men. I believe that Trump has the guts to pull countries together and clever enough to help ease our debt. I could definitely see Trump trying to do something like The Watergate Scandal in order to win election. I know that people try comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler, but I think his actions are very similar to Nixon's.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

As a human being, no matter what your orders are, I cannot believe that something like this was allowed to happen. I don't see how you can put innocent people through these terrible acts and still be able to live with yourself. Poisoning people with various diseases and trying to recreate a Black Plague is something straight out of a horror movie.

Why these people were not charged is far past my knowledge. I don't see why it is right to be able to allow these people to continue their lives just for some information on biological warfare, information that is so horrendous that it shouldn't be used in any type of war. That type of information should have been destroyed along with the camp and all of its guards and "scientist".  For something like this to happen in the 20th century is unimaginable and for a super power like America to let this happen is very discouraging, but in the eyes of our government it's all about gaining the upper hand.

I'm not the one to complain about war and fighting, but this is something else. This isn't war, this was extermination, this was sickening acts of human violence that I can only see punishable by an eternity in Hell because that is what those prisoners had to go through. Even if the people responsible were convicted, they didn't deserve death, they deserved to be treated like those prisoners for the rest of their lives. I wonder if theses acts of violence committed ever ate away at these scientist after they were free?

I think the apology to China was the least that these that the Japanese government should've done, and as an American, I believe that the Japanese should've been convicted. Dropping the bombs on them was a favor compared to what they put people through. I don't blame China for being angry at Japan and America because we both let this happen without punishment for something that took dignity away from a whole race of people. Not to mention all of the European and the U.S. troops that were tortured and killed there also.